Senin, 08 Desember 2008

'bout my tomodachi part 2

this part 2 teteee...p ng0m0ngin plends2 Q.....
and the next are......

Si Liliput, wlopun kata ank2 Q juga t'masuk dlm bangsa setengah liliput.....tapi plend Q yang nie lebieh liliput daripada Q ...... Wkwkwkwkw
sbenerx....Q kcian ma dy coz klo gi sama aQ....dy adalah orang yg paling 'n t'aniaya...Hikshikshiks
6omenasai zow.....^_~
dy juja pux hobbies yg sama ky' aQ........anime lovers gitchu lowH....

HellEnd, d'antara smua sohib2Q......dy lah yg s'GELO aQ.....Hwehehehe
anakx sie lumayan.......(wew)
English'x juja lebieh ouwkeyh drpd aQ....
suka teriak2......wlopun kadank2 sie ga jelaz kamsodx paan....
hobbies'x juja same with (wew) "....."

nah...itu lawh some of my plends....
maseehh buanyak sbnerx tmen2Q yg ga bisa Q critaen one by one....
but mereka menghuni sbuah rruuaanngg yg pnting d salah satu bgian hidupQ....

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